

Well, last night I decided to break out the scale. I've kind of been worried since I was not dieting from 12/16-1/04, but I picked back up, and I wanted to know how I was doing. I found that I had hit a bit of a milestone. I just surpassed 75 pounds lost. I couldn't believe it. 75 pounds is as much as an 10 year old kid. Maybe even more.
That means that I have another 83 before I'm at my "I can be comfortable" goal. Anything after that is gravy, and I may not stop there. My real target goal would be an additional 50 after that, but I just don't know how realistic that really is.
Either way, I've come a long way, and I'm proud of myself.


Miss Heather said...

I hate you!! That's so freaking awesome! I want to lose that much... :(

PhilAndGailFamilyBlog said...

I think you have done very well also. I have confidence that you will keep it off, and meet your goal!