
Mosquitoes Suck

I went up to my friends brother's house up in Kaysville again to make wands a full week ago. When we were there, there were a couple of mosquitoes flying around, but I decided that they were tolerable, especially since they weren't everywhere. My friend offered me some Off! so I could keep them from bugging me. I was wearing a long sleeved shirt, shorts and flip flops and thought that they would leave me alone, and if I noticed more of them, I would put it on.
These mosquitoes had to have been in ninja mode, because I didn't see or feel a single one bite me, I only saw a couple flying around my face, and trust me, I was constantly checking my legs because I didn't want to be getting bites.
Boy, am I an idiot for not using the off. I have lost HOURS of sleep over this, so I'm tired. They got me on my toes, on my Achilles tendon, all over my feet and calves.

See the pictures below. These pictures are from a FULL WEEK after the bites took place.
I am miserable.

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