
Boy was I mistaken.

I was Was thinking at day 7 if ryan's life that despite the occasional choke that he had, my kid was gosh darn perfect. Everyone I know that has kids said that I nights were going to be tough. I thought that I wasn't going to experience that cuz Ryan slept so good. Boy was I wrong. It just didn't happen until day 10 or so. He sleeps during the day and is fussy at night.

So to all you out there that told me... No "I told ya so" needed. I got the point.

I would however appreciate any tips and timelines for his sleeping to get on track.


Kates said...

Oh, Nick! How well I know how this goes! They sleep perfectly for those first two weeks and then wham! I have a great book for you called The Happiest Baby on the Block. It's great for getting babies to sleep and fussy babies to be happy. And the duct tape is optional... (remember Ben, all wrapped up in his blanket with duct tape around him to keep him in?)

Heather said...

I agree with Kates, that book is a lifesaver. Memorize it. It also comes in video for the lazy folk who just want it demonstrated (me). I hear your pain. Best wishes!!!