
It's a BOY!

That's right... We're having a little baby boy! We picked out a name, although it's not set in stone. We're going with Ryan Nicholas Fielding. I know, vein, right? ;)

We're so excited. I'll scan the ultrasound as soon as I get a minute.



So, Trisha and I have worked our butts off to get out house ready to show. And it was a resounding success thanks to the help of some friends and family to help us out while we were both in bad shape. I feel as though I have been beat up with a baseball bat. I want to lay down and take a nap.
Hopefully all of this work will pay off and the couple that looked at our condo last night will make us a huge offer!


Well, crap...

So, Trisha and I have been trying to do some spring cleaning and de-junking. We never really got our 2nd bedroom set up how we want and stuff kept piling up in there. It's really been a struggle trying to organize that room, especially since Trisha has been sick a lot, and pregnant. Not to mention that I've been lazy.. ;) Well, lazy and really exhausted lately. Hrmm.. We'll get to that...
I decided to take some initiative and clean where I could. I feel as though I'm finally getting into some good habits of cleaning. As a part of this spring cleaning, we decided to move our bedroom furniture around. I was getting ready to move the bed after I vacuumed part of the bedroom floor where we wanted to move the bed. I walked around the edge of the bed and started to lean over. I felt a twinge in my lower back, and I collapsed onto the bed. I felt as though I had been stabbed in my lower back. A few minutes later I worked my way back to my feet, but I knew that something was wrong. I had tweaked my back pretty bad. I continued to move the bed by pushing it into place with my legs.
After I was done with that, I had to lay down for most of the rest of the day because my back hurt so much. I was laid out all day Sunday and Monday as well. Sitting up, standing, walking, or rolling over while laying down was killer. No fun. Trisha, thankfully, has a prescription for Lortab. I took a couple of those to tide me over until I got to the doctor. I was unable to sleep well any of those nights because I move a lot in my sleep and whenever I move, my back screamed at me, and it woke me up. On Monday night, I had a bowl of low carb ice cream shortly after taking my sleeping medicine and another dose of Lortab. I was so tired and drained from the lack of sleep and the narcotics that I fell asleep sitting up on the couch with my hand laying in my unfinished bowl of ice cream. Lovely.
On Tuesday (after another missed day of work), I went to the Doctor to see what could be done about my back. He thinks that I just strained my back, which is not uncommon. I told him that the past few weeks I've been pretty drained before my back problem even came up. I told him that I had a bit of a sore throat as well and was concerned that I had mono. They took a blood test which just came back today (Thursday).
That's right. I have effing mono.

That is all for now.


Nix Watchman review

So I went and saw Watchmen last night (midnight showing). I'm giving it a solid 4 stars. It's a great movie that makes you think, which is always a good sign in my book.

The cinematography was AMAZING (as to be expected).

The character development was good, even though it was a bit rushed because there was so many important characters to develop.

It didn't seem like a 3 hour movie. The pace was good and I thought I'd be overwhelmed with the story, but I think they put it together well. I definitely want to see it again to see what I missed, because I'm sure I missed some stuff.

The acting was great, especially by Rarschach and the Nite Owl II. I was even impressed with Silk Spectre (I was not expecting much from her based on some of her previous roles).

It was completely different than I expected, and I went in with completely different expectations than what I feel they were trying to set in the trailers.

I am definitely going to go see it again (with Trisha).

Other notes:
The sex scene was a bit much. The gore/violence was spot on. :D
There wasn't too much language in it (which doesn't bother me anyway).
There was a lot of blue wang that I could have done without, but on the flip side, it wasn't out of control or pornographic. It was just there.

After the movie, I took Trisha home (got home around 3:45 or so) and then drove straight into work.

I'm huggin' tired.

That is all.



I just passed 2 classes last month for school. I finished a writing/presentation class and a JavaScript class. This semester I'm starting off with a class for Leadership and Professionalism. It's worth 12 credit hours. It aught to be fun. or not.

Wish me luck!

Baby Update

Trisha and I went in for our 2nd Dr.'s appointment yesterday for the baby. Things are looking good so far. Trisha has lost over 10 pounds during the month due to the nausea and such. She was glad to hear that at least there was SOME benefit to the nausea...
We also heard the baby's heartbeat with the sonagraph. The heartbeat was around 156 bpm. The doctor guesses that it will be a little girl, but it's pretty much a guess anyway. Apparently girl's heartbeats are faster than boys. He guessed wrong for a couple of my nephews though, so we'll have to see.
We get the next ultrasound at the end of the month! Exciting!