
Nix Watchman review

So I went and saw Watchmen last night (midnight showing). I'm giving it a solid 4 stars. It's a great movie that makes you think, which is always a good sign in my book.

The cinematography was AMAZING (as to be expected).

The character development was good, even though it was a bit rushed because there was so many important characters to develop.

It didn't seem like a 3 hour movie. The pace was good and I thought I'd be overwhelmed with the story, but I think they put it together well. I definitely want to see it again to see what I missed, because I'm sure I missed some stuff.

The acting was great, especially by Rarschach and the Nite Owl II. I was even impressed with Silk Spectre (I was not expecting much from her based on some of her previous roles).

It was completely different than I expected, and I went in with completely different expectations than what I feel they were trying to set in the trailers.

I am definitely going to go see it again (with Trisha).

Other notes:
The sex scene was a bit much. The gore/violence was spot on. :D
There wasn't too much language in it (which doesn't bother me anyway).
There was a lot of blue wang that I could have done without, but on the flip side, it wasn't out of control or pornographic. It was just there.

After the movie, I took Trisha home (got home around 3:45 or so) and then drove straight into work.

I'm huggin' tired.

That is all.

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