
Well, crap...

So, Trisha and I have been trying to do some spring cleaning and de-junking. We never really got our 2nd bedroom set up how we want and stuff kept piling up in there. It's really been a struggle trying to organize that room, especially since Trisha has been sick a lot, and pregnant. Not to mention that I've been lazy.. ;) Well, lazy and really exhausted lately. Hrmm.. We'll get to that...
I decided to take some initiative and clean where I could. I feel as though I'm finally getting into some good habits of cleaning. As a part of this spring cleaning, we decided to move our bedroom furniture around. I was getting ready to move the bed after I vacuumed part of the bedroom floor where we wanted to move the bed. I walked around the edge of the bed and started to lean over. I felt a twinge in my lower back, and I collapsed onto the bed. I felt as though I had been stabbed in my lower back. A few minutes later I worked my way back to my feet, but I knew that something was wrong. I had tweaked my back pretty bad. I continued to move the bed by pushing it into place with my legs.
After I was done with that, I had to lay down for most of the rest of the day because my back hurt so much. I was laid out all day Sunday and Monday as well. Sitting up, standing, walking, or rolling over while laying down was killer. No fun. Trisha, thankfully, has a prescription for Lortab. I took a couple of those to tide me over until I got to the doctor. I was unable to sleep well any of those nights because I move a lot in my sleep and whenever I move, my back screamed at me, and it woke me up. On Monday night, I had a bowl of low carb ice cream shortly after taking my sleeping medicine and another dose of Lortab. I was so tired and drained from the lack of sleep and the narcotics that I fell asleep sitting up on the couch with my hand laying in my unfinished bowl of ice cream. Lovely.
On Tuesday (after another missed day of work), I went to the Doctor to see what could be done about my back. He thinks that I just strained my back, which is not uncommon. I told him that the past few weeks I've been pretty drained before my back problem even came up. I told him that I had a bit of a sore throat as well and was concerned that I had mono. They took a blood test which just came back today (Thursday).
That's right. I have effing mono.

That is all for now.

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