
Ahh, the joys of pregnancy

So, Trisha has been fully enjoying all the many wonderful and bountious things associated with pregnancy. She has been sicker than a dog, and her fibromyalgia has been worse. She has had more migraines than usual, more nausea, fatigue, heartburn, pain, etc.

I've heard that the more sick one is, the healthier the baby is. Holy crap, we're going to have a freaking super-healthy baby, I guess.

Also of note are her cravings. She has not craved sweets like she normally does. She instead craves things like: pickles (she ate an entire jar in one sitting), fruit, hot dogs, and toaster strudles.

It will hopefully only be a couple more weeks of sickness and then all the bad stuff will go away.

We're excited to find out the sex of the baby. It's still a month and a half away, though.


Britta said...

I was actually wondering about Trisha and her pregnancy just this morning. I'm sorry she's so sick!

Miss Heather said...

I hope she's doing okay. I love you guys!