
First ultrasound

Trisha had her first Dr.'s appointment today for the pregnancy. Our doctor is Dr. Quinn. He delivered most of my nieces and nephews on my side of the family. He's a very nice guy and did a good job making sure all the bases were covered. He tried listening to the heartbeat through the stomach, but because Trisha's uterus was turned upwards, and the baby is only at 10 and a half weeks, he wasn't able to get the heartbeat. Because he wasn't able to track it down, he suggested that we have an ultrasound if we wanted. We elected to do that. We got some pictures of the baby that I'll have to post. Pretty hard to see what was going on and all, but it's in there! We also got to hear the heartbeat. Really cool.

I'm getting excited!

1 comment:

Friss said...

Congrats to you and Trish again. Glad you are going with Dr. Quinn. He is da man.
Keep us informed!