
Fun in Florida

Here we are in Florida at sea world waiting for shamu to splash the crowd. We've had a great time so far including one of the (if not the best) beach trip I've had. We went to the beach on either Thursday or Friday of last week. Trisha and I ended up with a bit of a sunburn but nothing too out of control.
Adam was REALLY tired on the way to the beach and complained a lot about wanting to stay home. He was ornery until about 45 minutes after we got there. Damon and I rode the 4 foot waves for a while before I went and laid out for a bit. It was a comfy 80 degrees. Perfect. The water was 74 (also perfect). We built a pretty good sandcastle and then went swimming again before heading home. We would have stayed later but Amie had to work that night so we had to be back pretty early.
Well. Shamu is going to make his entrance soon so I'd better wrap it up. Stay tuned to hear about our dinner cruise and our day at seaworld!

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