
SCAM - Part 18

Much to my chagrin, T the G hasn't referred to himself as Topher the Gopher.. Yet...

Hello Trisha, Thanks for the mail,so i am very happy for your fast responds.and for what you said in your message that you made a mistake by sending the money to the wrong destination right?and i will like you to know that could you just go back to the bank that you used for the transfer of the money that they should provide you and other refrence number for the transfer! i can't just go to the bank an provide them the former reference number that you gave me. What i will like you to do is that just go to the bank and told the representative that he/she should provide you another refrence number.

Looking to hear from you soon.

God bless you.


My reply:

Dearest Topher Gopher,
Thanks for the email. I'm sorry that it took me most of the day to respond to you. The twins have been out of control. Seeing as they're well into their terrible two's (their 3rd birthday is only 2 and a half weeks away!), the teething and breastfeeding has become a constant battle. Do you have any suggestions on how to cope with these children? Surely you have some advice, coming from a saint in the land of Africa who is constantly saving the lives of starving children. Speaking of, how is the work going there? Have you had much of a run-in with any kids or adulterers with AIDS or HIV? I would never wish such a horrible disease upon my worst enemy. Except maybe you. What a horrible disease! I wonder if God put it on Earth to wipe out the adulterers? Some people say that the US government created the AIDS virus to whipe out gays and blacks. I'm not sure. I'd guess that they created crack to whipe out the blacks. It hasn't worked yet.
Regarding the moneygram payment, the representative said I didn't need a new reference number for the payment. Because of your email, I insisted that they give me a new reference number in place of the number that I gave you. After a bit of an argument over the need of a new reference number, the representative gave me a new one. The new reference number for this payment is 24685611. Please go to the bank post haste to see if the payment has deposited. The neighbors that live nearby your house are growing weary of our tents in your front yard. I keep telling them that I'm just waiting for you to send the keys. They told me that they didn't know that you went to Africa to serve a mission. What a nice thing of you to do, to not tell anyone of your good works. That reminds me of a bible story about the old woman and the well. Perhaps you can recount that story back to me? Let me give you a hint: it doesn't have anything to do with a woman falling down a well. I got that answer wrong in sunday school when I was younger.
Good luck to you and God's work in Africa.
You're always in my thoughts and prayers.

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