
SCAM - Part 20 - The jig is up...

My response:

From: xxxxxxx@hotmail.com

To: c_hood40@yahoo.com

Subject: RE: Yes, I hope you die from AIDS...

Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2008 13:29:03 -0700


Dearest St. Topher the Gopher,

I need to first start off this email by thanking you for the humor and enjoyment that you have provided to me and my friends. I really was beginning to look forward to your emails every day. I was able to put on a little show for dozens of people to enjoy, and it's really a shame that this is coming to an end.

Now to move on to the fun stuff...

You are a complete idiot, and that's funny! Your game is up... I know that you are a craigslist scammer living in Nigeria, and I knew it from the very first email you sent to me. I know your name isn't "Chris Scott." You should have used a name that would be a little more convincing, like Kehinde? Kehinde means that you lag behind right? A little slower than the rest? That's just too true...

This whole back and forth was a farce on my part, and I'm not sorry for it. For the pain and misery that you and your friends cause to innocent people, the small amount of joy and large amount of laughter that you have provided me and my friends is the least that you could do.

I hope that the many calls you made to me cost you a lot of money. It really was a waste for you. Oh, and by the way, every time you called me, you were actually calling the local police department here. I only wish I could have recorded those calls as you desperately tried to get ahold of me just like I recorded the phone call when I called you. (By the way, you really have to work on your scamming technique. You didn't even know who I was on the phone!)

I gave you every opportunity in the world to figure out that I was jerking you along, but you were just too stupid to figure it out. From my address that essentially told you that it wasn't a real address, to even more obvious things like the problems sending the money over and over. But, you finally figured it out. You should be proud of yourself for putting 2 and 2 together after only 2 and a half weeks!

I can only hope that you were truely embarrased when you went to the bank to try to withdraw the funds on the fake MTCN number. I'm sure that the bank attendants thought the whole situation was quite funny. I'd bet my bottom dollar that they know that you're a scammer and it's only a matter of time before you're caught and sent to prision. I hope you enjoy being sodomized.

St. Topher the Gopher, you are the scum of the Earth, and I hope that you get what's due to you.

Thanks for the cheap laughs, though.

"Trisha Fielding"


BrAnDoN said...

Can I just tell you how many times I laughed out loud while reading these posts. They are incredible! Mr. T.G will get what he deserves one of these days....

I await his response...or not.


PhilAndGailFamilyBlog said...

I have yet to figure out why Nigeria seems to be the hotbed of e-mail/craigslist scammers. I guess there are just enough gullible people out there who make it worth the effort. Your e-mails were so off-the-wall that any half-way normal person would have seen through your ruse after the second e-mail! It was fun while it lasted (and it lasted long enough :).